The commandment to teach our children diligently comes right after the
Sh'ma (Hear of Israel, YHWH our Elohim, YHWH is one!) and the V'ahavtah
(And You shall LOVE YHWH with ALL your heart, and with ALL your mind,
and with ALL your soul!).
Moses then goes on to say that we should teach that we should "teach
the commandments diligently" to our children. My husband taught on the
Hebrew word used for this phrase before... It means to IMPRESS or IMPELL
the commandments into our children. To make it a priority to
REPEATEDLY and CONSISTENTLY instruct them in the ways of YHWH! And the
commandment goes on to say that we shouldn't just say the Sh'ma at
bedtime, or even when we wake up, but we should instruct our children as
we are in our home and also "along the way", i.e., step by step through
We started homeschooling in 2015 as a way to
better keep this commandment. I'm finding that I can teach my children
the LOVE and FEAR of YHWH in every subject. I'm enjoying them being
around me 24/7. I can see room for character growth and development.
We can focus on their weakness, dive into their interests, schedule
around the Biblical feasts. Overall, the experience has been amazing.
If Homeschooling is something you can do, I highly suggest you try it.
Or find an alternative like cyber school to keep your children home with
you, so that you can teach them the things of YHWH at home and along
the way.
I hope this blog will document some of the things that I do with my children, and help moms to discover things to do with their children... along the way.
-Tirzah Lewis
Yes! So much of this. I'm glad that you've been enjoying your journey! It is well worth all the effort! Chazak v'ematz! <3