Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Unplugging your child from the system.. to plug them back in the system later

I am currently working on a paper about deconstructing and rebuilding our views on education. Parents remove their children from governmental school systems for various reasons. Those of us who take our children out to AVOID the indoctrination of our children into this world system have to ask ourselves what do we view as the ideal end goal. Are we removing our children from an atheistic/Anti-Biblical/egocentric, colonial/European-washed/racist, amoral, and capitalistic education system only with the goal of making them better than their peers, and able to compete when they re-enter the system? Some parents can’t disentangle themselves from the education system enough to see that if the ONLY goal of taking your child out of the education system is to put them back in for college and/or “the work force”, then you really haven’t taken them out.

College is a great invention. But, it has been distorted. Undergraduate school is a huge money making business. Young people go to college, and graduate or don’t graduate with huge amounts of debt. When you start out with debt in your early 20’s, you have to quickly find a way to pay it all back. This means you go to work. You become an employee in the work force, you make enough to pay your bills and maybe to live off of. You have to get loans to buy a car and a house... more debt. You have to keep working... You are locked in the system. 30 year mortgages, 5 year car payments... This is all by design. It keeps us in indentured servitude. But, it BEGAN in college. We started in debt. And, it’s interesting that college loans are unforgivable debts.

If we are ready to free ourselves and our families from the education system, then we should also consider why we may care so much if our children decide not to go to college. I’m not suggesting that the goal should be that our children are bums on the street, or people who aren’t “successful”. What I’m suggesting is that we redefine our measure of success. Is success the ability to get into debt and work for others, or is success the ability to be an entrepreneur and avoid getting into debt? Is the goal to be God-fearing and moral individuals, or people who measure themselves against the standards of this world? We must ask ourselves these questions.

If your goal is solely to give your kids a better education so that they can do well in college, I’m not hating on you. If my children decide to go to college, I want them to have the BEST foundation possible to thrive in an intense atmosphere. Plus, I want them to actually finish if they start!!! My goal for my children is that first and foremost, they grow into individuals who are pleasing to the Most High, and that they are able to be entrepreneurs and independent, well rounded thinkers. That when situations present themselves to my children, they will know how to take the ingredients around them, and make the best of it!! The goal for me is not to re-insert them into a system that is against us, but rather to operate in spite of it!! There is a subtle difference. But the difference is real.

T.E.A. 2018

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