Sunday, February 18, 2018

Homeschooling to Keep our Children Safe!

One of the most compelling reasons to homeschool is to keep our children safe.

My children and I went to a brick and mortar school to drop off paperwork last year. My children were scared. Why were there metal detectors? I told my children that they help to keep students safe. They are used to make sure kids and visitors don’t bring in weapons. Weapons???

My children were happy to get out from that environment as fast as they could!

It’s very disheartening to hear the constant reports on violence and bullying in schools. Kids are so fragile emotionally, and it’s very sad seeing reports of bullied children even committing suicide. The New York Times reports that on average, there are about five school shootings per month! This statistic is small when compared to the number of schools in the U.S., but it is totally random where these tragedies strike! In addition, sexual harassment/immorality is constantly in the news. There have been two recent reports of teachers essentially grooming and kidnapping their students. Student on student sexual harassment and peer pressure is also a concern.

As the number of families impacted by violence in schools increase, we risk being desensitized by this epidemic. I realized that metal detectors in schools are abnormal because my children thought they were out of place. Sure, to get on a plane you'd expect a search, but to enter a school? Should it be a common scene for a school district police car to be parked in front, and for police dogs to be on stand by?

How do we protect our children? Is a “lock down” environment where doors are locked to prevent predators from coming in, and metal detectors and random back pack checks are done by police officers at the door, a place that fosters our children’s learning? Or does the safety and comfort of their home, gently learning with people who love and support them seem like a better option?

Children flourish when they feel safe. It is our duty to protect our children. I think that more and more people are ready to take this duty out of the hands of school superintendents and paid security guards... If you feel like things have gotten out of control, if you are concerned with the state of security in school, it may be time to withdraw your child and begin the homeschool journey.

T.E.A. 2018

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